Community Notices

Parking Around School Zones

Mitcham Council continually monitors schools to enforce parking zones and restrictions to ensure the safety of students. By parking appropriately when you drop your children off to school, you can help to ensure there is no danger to students and avoid traffic congestion around our school.

Please be aware any breaches of the Australian Road Rules 1999 observed by Community Safety Officers may result in the issue of an expiation notice.

Please click the link below to the ‘Children Schools & Traffic’ brochure which has information for drivers about public and student safety at school drop off and pick up times.

Student Absences, SMS Messaging and Attendance Update

We had a number of students absent from school due to illness last term. Parents are asked to notify the school via text on 0428 260 571, by using the Schoolzine App or by phoning the school directly on 8278 2243 by 9.00am if your child is going to be absent or arrive after 9.00am.

We are continuing to use the electronic roll marking system and if your child is marked as an unexplained absence you will automatically receive a text from us.  If your child is late or leaving early you must sign in or out in the Front Office.

If you child is going to be absent for 3 or more days you will need to provide a medical certificate for sickness or complete an exemption form for holidays or family reasons. For further information please contact the office.


The Departmental sun protection policy is in effect for school terms 1, 3 and 4 and whenever UV radiation levels reach 3 or above. All children are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. bucket, legionnaire or broad brimmed. Baseball or peak caps are NOT considered a suitable alternative.

We sell bucket hats in the office for $10. The broad brimmed and legionnaire hats can be purchased form department stores or specialist uniform shops.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

A reminder to those students working to complete this year’s Premier’s Reading Challenge – the closing date is Friday 6 September. If you need a new form or any support at all talk to your teacher or come down to the Resource Centre.

Full-year Reception and Year 1 students have all completed the Challenge through teachers reading to them. They do not need to submit a form. Mid-year Receptions will receive a special certificate for 2024 and will engage in the full Challenge in 2025.

Book Week at EHPS – Week 5

CBCA Book Week 2024 “Reading is Magic” is in Week 5 (Monday 19 August – Friday 23 August).

We are kicking off the celebrations the Friday before (16 August) with a whole school incursion. Perform Education will present the musical adventure MAYBE A MIRACLE! highlighting some of the short-listed books.

During Week 5 the Year 6 Resource Centre team will run activities for all classes and, of course, in keeping with tradition, Wednesday 21 August will be Dress as a Book Character day. There will be an assembly (starting at 9.10) and a costume parade. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend.

Olympics Activities + Green & Gold Casual Day

Wednesday 7th August

In case you are unaware; the upcoming Paris Olympic Games begin this Friday!! (26 July - 11August). To celebrate in PE, we are learning about some of the more unusual sports featuring this year. We will also be having a "Green and Gold Casual Day".

On this day, students are encouraged to come to school dressed in ‘Green and Gold’ clothing and accessories (e.g. cap/hat, sports top, headbands, scarves, etc.) to demonstrate their support for our Australian athletes. Be creative and resourceful – as we don’t want families to feel the need to purchase extra items. Alternatively, students may choose to come dressed in an outfit that shows off their favourite Olympic sport or athlete.

This also coincides with our week 3 assembly so students will have the opportunity to see each other’s outfits. Mark your calendars and start planning your ‘Green and Gold’ or Olympic athlete outfits for Wednesday 7 August. Let’s make this a memorable and spirited celebration!

Pyjama Day Fundraiser

On the last day of Term 2 we had Pyjama Day, it was so cosy to be wearing our comfy PJs. Together we raised $240.90 towards our World Vision Contributions. 

Thank you to everyone for such great efforts to support those in need.


Congratulations to Wilfred J who was successful in being selected in the Southern Heights District Soccer Team. The team plays on 19 - 21 August. Good luck Wilf!

Sports Day Captains

Over the past few weeks, year 5s and 6s have been writing applications, delivering speeches and voting for our House Captains for 2024.

Congratulations to the following successful people




Stella, Adam, Caitlin


Savannah, Wilfred, Louie


Chelsea, Tilo, Steph

Drive In

To celebrate the end of Term 1, the Junior Primary classes had a 'drive-in' movie day. The morning was spent busily constructing and decorating cardboard box cars, which were then 'driven' into the various classrooms/cinemas. Children then watched their choice of movie from the comfort of their own cars. 

It was a great way to finish off the term and celebrate all the hard work and learning that has been happening.

Museum Excursion Room 7 & 8

On the 25th of June in term 2 we went to the SA Museum.

We went to the museum for the Shadow Initiation experience and to explore Aboriginal and Torres Islander histories and culture which we had been learning about in HASS.

The Shadow Initiation experience took us on a tour of the museum's exhibits by us following clues on an iPad and having to check in at different locations for points. It was quite hard to find the different objects in the time and we had to show lots of critical thinking and resilience. 

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander section was interesting to look at, especially the handmade tools they used to hunt, the art works and their weaving skills. The jewellery was also quite cool. Our favourite part of the museum was the Australian wildlife section.

It was a wet day, but luckily, we didn't get too wet on our walk to and from the train station!

We had a lot of fun, and would highly recommend this for a day out!

By Jess, Maya, Tilo and Zapha from room 8.

Showing images 1 - 8 of 42

Jam Band (Just Add Music)

At the end of last term, Eden Hills PS was treated to a fabulously entertaining 90-minute performance by JAM Band.  Again, this year, they enthused the children with a range of songs from 1960 to 2023, presenting them with the full sound of the whole band, part band or acapella.  They covered the genres of rock, soft rock, R & B, pop, soul, disco, funk, europop, jazz and electro. Lots of children were involved wearing spectacular costumes.  The JAM Band invites schools to include local talent, and Zapha in room 8 took up this challenge with an awesome dose of stage presence, firstly playing piano alone, and then inviting the band to join him.  It was a wonderful experience for us all.

Josie Whitehead

Welcome back to Term 3

Welcome back to all our students and families. It’s hard to believe we are now halfway through the year. We hope you all had an opportunity to spend quality time with your families over the break.

A very special welcome to our mid-year Reception students joining us this semester:

Jude       Adam    Ellie       Kara       Jamie     Lacey     Bodhi    Harry     Marley 

They should all be very proud of how well they have settled into school life this week. We’re so happy to have you all join us and we are very much looking forward to seeing you grow and glow at Eden Hills Primary School.

Pupil Free Day

On Monday, we had a fantastic collaborative shared Pupil Free Day with our Partnership schools at Belair Primary School. Our day focused on the new South Australian Curriculum for public education, specifically exploring and engaging with the mathematics learning area. Our SSOs also engaged in a professional learning session at Eden Hills with the Department’s Education Management Team on advanced administration functions and capabilities of the EMS system.

The SA Curriculum for public education has been adapted from the Australian Curriculum version 9 for a South Australian context. It is based on the Department’s strategy for public education, international and national research, and the collective insight and expertise of local teachers.

The new South Australian Curriculum framework outlines the essential knowledge, capabilities and dispositions in each learning area, retaining the Australian Curriculum content descriptions and showing how these contribute to the learning of higher-level concepts.

Mathematics is about developing an understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas through seeing patterns and relationships, and learning to think about and solve problems. Learners develop deep understanding and ignite learning that endures for life when they engage with challenges, are persistent and apply what they know to find solutions.

Learners developing a productive disposition is as important as building foundational knowledge. Learners with a productive disposition feel positive about mathematics, see its value, are prepared to give it a go, seek out challenges, and believe that their abilities as a mathematician are not fixed.

A big thank you to Jake, Heather and the Partnership Middle Leaders team for their contributions to the facilitation of these sessions.

Warm regards,

Community Notices

Department for Infrastructure

The T2D Project is the final 10.5km section of the North-South Corridor, and will complete 78km of non-stop, traffic light-free motorway between Gawler and Old Noarlunga. Drivers will be able to bypass 21 sets of traffic lights as they travel through two separate tunnels, connected by an open motorway.

For Further information Please follow the link 

2025 Enrolment Procedures

If your child turns 5 before 1 May, they will start their schooling at the beginning of Term 1, 2025. If your child turns 5 from 1 May to 31 October, they will start school through the mid-year intake at the start of Term 3, 2025.

To assist the school with class structures and staffing we need the names of any students who will be eligible to start school at the beginning of the new 2025 school year.

Please click the link below to access a Registration of Interest Form and return the completed form to the office.

First Day Term 3

Reminder that the first day of Term 3 is a Pupil Free Day
Students return to school Tuesday 23 July

Languages Alive

As part of the government’s Languages in Schools initiative, the School of Languages has expanded the across-sector R-6 Languages Alive! program. The July 2024 program will provide students with interactive language learning opportunities in a range of languages, including Auslan, Chinese, German, Hindi, Japanese & Spanish.

WHEN/WHERE:               Tuesday 9 & Wednesday 10 July at School of Languages (West Croydon)
                                          Thursday 11 July at Stirling East Primary School
                                           Friday 12 July at Alberton Primary School
                                           Tuesday 16 July at Belair Primary School

COST:                                 $10 per student per day; School Card/Health Care Card Holders: FREE

To register for tickets go to: