28 February 2025
Term 1 Update
We have had a fantastic start to the school year. Our students are settling into their routines and enjoying classroom life. Establishing relationships and structures has made for a busy and rewarding few weeks.
During the first month, we focus on building a class community where students feel valued and supported. We aim to understand what our students want and need, setting up for a successful year by fostering a collaborative learning culture. Through developing essential agreements and building relationships, we create a productive classroom environment. Positive feedback, engaging discussions, and interactive games help us nurture resilience and growth.
SRC Executives
We are pleased to reintroduce and congratulate our 2025 Student Representative Council (SRC) executives: Steph, Lucy, Louie, and Tilo. These students have been chosen to represent their peers and play a vital role in our school community. They will work with staff and students to implement initiatives that improve our school. We look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have this year.
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. It provides insights into students' progress against national standards. The NAPLAN test window runs from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March 2025. Our school timetable for assessments is as follows:
Wed 12 March: Year 3 & 5 Writing
Thurs 13 March: Year 3 & 5 Reading
Fri 14 March: Year 3 & 5 Conventions of Language
Mon 17 March: Year 3 & 5 Numeracy
For more information, please visit the link below.
KESAB Bin Materials Audit
Recently we participated in a KESAB Bin materials audit to sort through one day’s worth of bin materials from every collection stream. Students from Year 3/4 upwards assisted with the sorting, learning about waste management and sustainability. Our next activity with KESAB is the 'Wipe Out Waste Show'.
Governing Council Update
This Wednesday, we held our Governing Council AGM and elections for 2025.
We would like to publicly thank the members of our 2024 Governing Council who are retiring or no longer continuing:
Leanne Christinat and Katie Havelberg
Each bought great enthusiasm to the council over many years and were instrumental in creating positive change to our school.
We welcome new members for 2025:
Heather Carter
Kate Dewis
Craig Klauber
David Lister – Chair Person
Jacob Roth
Katie Schubert - Secretary
We also have continuing or reappointed members:
Catherine Chalmers
Catherine Doherty
Cassie Humphrey
Jane Simmons
Ariana Woods - Treasurer
Please feel free to approach your Governing Council members with any questions about our school.
Upcoming Pupil Free Day
On Friday 7 March we have a pupil free day dedicated to developing and planning the implementation of our Site’s Learning Plans in literacy and numeracy.
Autism Inclusion Teacher
We are pleased to announce that Dee has been appointed as our Autism Inclusion Teacher for 2025. This role is part of a nation-leading initiative to support autistic children and young people. Dee's expertise, passion, and dedication will continue to enhance our inclusive education efforts. She is currently engaging in professional development to further her understanding of autism, ensuring that our school provides the best possible support for all students. We are confident that Dee's contributions will greatly benefit our school community.
Acquaintance Night and Family Picnic
We invite all families to our Acquaintance Night and Family Picnic on Thursday 6 March, from 4pm to 7pm. This event offers a chance to visit classrooms, meet teachers, and enjoy live music, stalls, and delicious food. We look forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards,
Kellie Bowden
I arrived at school at 7:45 and when I went through the gate and down to my classroom, all my classmates were on the tiger turf.
When I got down, I had to put sunscreen on and get my hat on, after 10 minutes room 11, room 12 and half of room 8s class went to the bus and got on, our teacher had to head count us and tick us off.
When everyone got on the bus and the bus started to go the TV screens came down and SING 2 started to play.
I watched the movie when I was on the bus, after 40-50 minutes we arrived at Port Noarlunga and it was beautiful, everyone looked excited.
When all of us got off the bus we went down to the aquatics centre, and we got into our groups. The year fives had to do swimming safety instead.
We did snorkelling and surfing, so we went over to the equipment, we put on: a snorkel/goggles, a swimming hat, a wetsuit, mini wetsuit, a red rash and flippers. We went down to the port Noarlunga reef/ocean and got in.
It was cold, misty and rocky, when I went around three metres into the water there was a cliff and when we went on it you fell 1 metre.
We went far out in the ocean and when we looked down it was beautiful, after a bit we got out and went up to the jetty and went to the end and went down the stairs into the end of the jetty reef and when I looked down, I was amazed. I was around 100 fish swimming around us, we swam around them, it was way more beautiful than the reef at the start and so many fish, I duck dived and I saw a lot of coral and fish. After a while we got back up and went back to the aquatics centre and the instructor showed us fish and a blue ringed octopus!
After he showed us some stuff we went back to our bags and ate, after a while the instructor came to collect us and we went on the beach and walked for ten minutes to the surfing camp and we got the surfboards and sat down and the instructor taught us the basics on surfing, we got into the water and I saw a big wave so I paddled and tried to stand up and I lost my balance and I fell into the water and got water in my mouth. That happened 10 more times until I got a small wave and I stood up and did it, but after that one I saw a massive wave and I got it but I fell and I didn’t notice that a another massive wave was also coming and as soon as I stood up again I got hit with the other massive wave and I fell down again, after that I was tired and I went up to the beach and sat there to the other guys finished, we had to put the surfboards back and we walked back and then we took everything off and packed up our stuff and went to the bus and continued SING 2 and we got back and we got picked up and then I went back home from an exhausting day.
By Charlie (ROOM 11)
Acquaintance Night and Family Picnic
Pupil Free Day
Reminder Pupil Free Day Friday 7 March
For OSHC please contact CAMP Australia to make a booking for that day.
Water Bottles
This is a reminder for our students to bring their own water bottles to school, especially as we have had some really hot temperatures lately. Water bottles can be refilled from the taps throughout the day.
To stay hydrated, it’s important to drink before you feel thirsty. This is especially important if you are exercising or if it’s a hot day. Even if you’re not thirsty, try to drink water regularly throughout the day.
Public Holiday
Reminder that there is a Public Holiday Monday 10 March
The Departmental sun protection policy is in effect for Terms 1, 3 and 4 and whenever UV radiation levels reach 3 or above. All students are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. bucket, legionnaire or broad brimmed. Baseball or peak caps are NOT considered a suitable alternative.
We sell bucket hats in the office for $10. The broad brimmed and legionnaire hats can be purchased from retail stores or specialist uniform shops.
Head Lice
Currently we have a number of cases of headlice presenting at school. We would appreciate you contacting us, if your child/ren is affected, so we can keep our community informed.
Please find attached a Fact Sheet from SA Health of treatments and preventative measures which may be a support to families.
Starting Secondary School in 2026
At the start of Term 2 the families of students in Year 6 will begin to receive correspondence regarding the high school enrolment and transition process.
The important thing for families to do this term is to ensure all Year 6 students have accurate address details and contact information for parents. If you have changed address, don’t forget that you must provide proof of residence to the office as soon as possible. The Department for Education require confirmation of the child or young person’s residential address(es) under the Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 (SA).
The following primary documents will be accepted:
Parents who own their residence must provide:
- a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.
Parents who rent their residence must provide:
- a rental agreement that covers the first 12 months at the school
- a bond receipt lodged with Consumer and Business Services
- a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.
Start to have discussions within your family about the possible schools and goals that your child may have regarding high school.
Please keep a look out for open days or school tours of your local high schools or schools of special interest. As we are informed, we will advertise events in the school newsletter.
High School Tours
Helpful Reminder When Riding to School
Riding on Footpaths
Cyclists of all ages are allowed to ride on footpaths. Footpaths provide a safe and sometimes more direct alternative for cyclists.
When riding on a footpath or shared path, a cyclist must:
- keep to the left unless it is impracticable to do so
- give way to any pedestrian on the footpath or shared path
- give a warning (by bell, horn or other means) to pedestrians or others using the footpath, if it is necessary to avert danger.
It is still an offence for a cyclist to ride where a sign prohibits bicycle riding on footpaths which are considered unsuitable for shared use.
For further information follow the link below to the My Licence SA Gov website
Community Notices