

Our Volunteer Program provides an opportunity for positive parent and community participation and is a valuable and critical resource for our school. You (and friends, grandparents etc) can support the education of our students and the smooth running of our school in a number of ways.


Below are the links to the Volunteer Pack containing all the documents required by the Department for Education (DfE) for volunteering at Eden Hills Primary School.

You need to complete all of the items (1-6)

1. Volunteer Application Form - Confidential

This is the first step in the process. Please complete and return.


Working with Children Check (WWCC)

Once we have your application form we will organise a WWCC for you if you need one. You will receive an email from the Department of Human Services (DHS) which you need to respond to in order for the process to be completed.

2. DfE On-line Induction Sessions For Volunteers

There are 2 on-line training sessions that you need to complete:

  • Responding to the Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC)
  • Volunteer General Induction

You need to provide us with a copy of each Certificate of Completion. If you have any issues accessing or managing the on-line sessions, please let me know.


3. Volunteer Role Description

Please read through the role descriptions that apply to you.




4. Volunteer Site Induction Checklist

Please contact Rebecca Stevens to make a time to complete this document (Mon-Fri 8.30am-3.30pm).

Alternatively, if you are a regular visitor to our site and are confident that you have all of the necessary knowledge, please sign and return the document.


5. Volunteer Agreement

Please sign and return.


6. Volunteer Reporting Obligations

As of 1 June 2022, there has been an important update to the Statutes Amendment Act 2021. The Act introduces important reforms regarding the legal obligations as a volunteer in the Department for Education. Please view a summary of these obligations below.


If you have any question please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Rebecca Stevens.
